play framework json request

play framework json request

Playframework 2.0.X scala - How to implement multiple json reads.

http://localhost:9000/user/get/5?v=JSON // should render JSON template. I think that a .. Request.params is gone in Play Framework 2.0.
def setUser() = Action(parse.json) { implicit request => val id = (request.body. Browse other questions tagged json scala playframework action.
Oct 29, 2012. Unveiling Play 2.1 Json API - Part 3 : JSON Transformers Oct 29th, 2012 …. all web frameworks (except recent JS serverside stuff maybe in which JSON .. request => request.body.validate(jsonTransformer).map { js => // do.
Like the HTTP interface, Controllers are procedural and Request/Response ... Play comes equiped with a method to simply return a JSON string, by making use.
Oct 18, 2012. Play! Framework Scala.. Parsing JSON to model in Play! def create = Action(parse.raw) { request => val body = new String(request.body.

Json to Tuple support by mandubian · Pull Request #61. - GitHub.

Feb 19, 2013. into playframework:master from jeantil:extract-play-json February 21, 2013. Closed. guillaumebort closed the pull request February 21, 2013.
Playframework 2.0.X scala. Let's assume that have a json object Test. It has two .. Handling JSON requests in Play Framework 2.0 Scala.
play framework 2.1 | 42 Engineering.
Nov 19, 2012. play-framework. and response content is always Bad Request - Invalid JSON. def create(username: String) = Action(parse.json) { req =>.
Im using play-framework and scala. Thanks! What have you tried?, also that's not valid json. – Musa Jul 6. scala play 2.0 get request header.
Mar 26, 2013. Tagged: json, play framework, play framework 2.1, scala, scala 2.10. injected  controller took 4.51ms, and the direct controller call took 0.09ms.
Apr 1, 2012. play-framework. faced it too. So, I've extended slightly FakeRequest to support JSON body:. About the pull request, I will for sure. I'm just.
Dec 20, 2011. Putting an invalid json into custom formatter results a NullPointerException I may be doing things wrong, then please tell me. [info] + serialize.
play framework working with json objects in Scala - Stack Overflow.

play framework json request

playframework - Request Content-Type in Play! Framework for.
problem with tests - FakeRequest and json - play-framework.
Parsing a JSON to a model in Play! Framework | HashCode.
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